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Be Careful Who You're Listening To



Be careful who you listen to. Leave it to many White cosmic theorists, they will have you believing White supremacy is the center of the universe.

Insofar as White supremacy is a belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups
in particular Blacks and or Jewshere’s my hypothesis.

It is the "White imprint and centerpiece” that embraces the discovery of the telescope named after James E. Webb, the titular head and administrator of NASA from 1961-68.

White supremacy is a metaphor of this, as it is an ideology that considers itself the center- piece of human intellect and conquest. One of the images captured by the James Webb Telescope is the Stephan Quintet grouping of 

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The Stephan Quintet grouping of five galaxies visible in the constellation Pegasus. Image James Webb Telescope

five galaxies visible in the constellation Pegasus, discovered by French astronomer Édouard Stephan in 1877 at the Marseille Observatory. Pegasus is a constellation in the northern sky, named after the winged horse Pegasus in Greek (White) mythology. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer, Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek mathematician, astronomer and astrologer, who wrote about a dozen scientific treatises, including the Ptolemaic universe, which essentially postulated that the Earth is the center of the universeconsistent with White supremacist thinking. 


The agencies that aligned to create the James Webb Space Telescope were NASA (National Aeronautics & Space Administration) ESA (European Space Agency), CSA (Canadian Space Agency), and STSi (Space Telescope Science Institute

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The infinite awe-inspiring cosmos makes the case for Almighty God. Image: Hubble telescope

In the grand scheme, we are so small



Here is a cosmic truth that is truly mind-bending: the distance light travels in 1 light year—5.863 trillion miles (5,878,625,370,000 miles) in fact.


In a vacuum, light travels at 670,616,629 mph (1,079,252,849 km/h). To find the distance of a light-year, you multiply this speed by the number of hours in a year (8,766). The result: One light-year equals 5,863 trillion miles (roughly 1.4 billion miles short of 1 zillion).


We are so small


There are more than a zillion stars in the accompanying Hubble telescope photo below. To travel across this threshold, alone would take light energy an eternity. To put this distance in context in an infinite universe, that's not even backing out of the driveway of our home planet. Not even turning on the engine.


Humankind, with its evil, bickering, greedy, hateful, and bigoted ways, is truly insignificant in the grand scheme of things. One former US president created a short-lived government entity named the Space Force to augment the nation’s military juggernaut, presumably to militarize space. But, why? To govern or regulate what?


It was the height of arrogance and never really got off the ground.


But an all-wise, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God, who created this cosmic mystery loves us beyond all else. I am humbled and can only say, “glory to God in the highest.”



Alien visitors may be second-guessing official contact

Satire: Earth too volatile for ‘Close Encounter of Fourth Kind’


Do you think the UFO scouts buzzing the planet may be having second doubts about official diplomacy with crazy Earthlings?


You know first responders here on Earth are going to be the scary-kat-kops, beholden to "cap" anything non-white that spooks them—meaning anything green, black, brown, red or some darker shade of gray, which also fits the alien typecast. These cosmic visitors may be on a peaceful mission, as they haven't been overtly hostile as yet, despite the fact we keep chasing after them.


Getting back to the cops who spook too easily and shoot too readily at the sight of a Black or Brown-skinned person wearing a hoodie at dawn, high noon or dusk. If they resort to this behavior with the aliens, they are likely to get zapped with a "de-vaporizer" ray, which could be a precursor to alien aggression to the detriment of the human race.


Spooked cops suffering "9mm-quick-to-shoot syndrome" may be all the impetus our alien visitors need to erase humanity out of concern this tempestuous race of beings may pollute the cosmos with confusion and violence.


They can see the leading nations of Earth have delusional crackpots as leaders—Kim Jong Ill, Vladmir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte, Recep ErdoÄŸan, Jair Bolsonaro, and a sociopathic seminal lying president named Donald Trump, who heads a cult of 75 million in the nation with the most powerful nuclearized military on Earth.


Remember, this guy attempted a failed cartoonish militarization of space.


This planet may appear unworthy of prolonged life or advanced technological tutoring by a superior race of beings due to its propensity for war and lack of maturity in ameliorating disputes without threatening armageddon.

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